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  • 1 Post By Zadrich

Seçenekler Stil
Alt 15 Mart 2020, 12:15   #1
Post Otomatik Nick ve Oper Şifresini Girmek isterseniz.Diyaloglu Sistem


menu channel,menubar,status {
  Oto Nick/Oper Şifre Ayarla
  .Ana Ayarlar: {
    if ($dialog(nickchgr)) dialog -c nickchgr nickchgr
    else dialog -m nickchgr nickchgr 
  .Yeni Oper Ekle: {
    if ( %opernick === $null ) { set %opernick $$*="Oper Nickiniz" | if (%operpass === $null ) { set %operpass $$?*="Oper Şifreniz" | if (%operserver === $null ) { set %operserver $$?*="Enter the Server You have an Oline On" | goto end } } }
    else { echo -la Sık Sık Ayni Oper Giriyorsunuz ! | halt }
    echo -a Operiniz Eklenmiştir !
  .Oper Kaldir:unset %opernick | unset %operpass | unset %operserver
  .Yeni Nick Ekle: {
    if ( %cnick1 == $null ) { set %cnick1 $$?="Nick Ekle" | notify %cnick1 | if ( %cpass1 === $null ) { set %cpass1 $$?*="Şifreniz" | goto end } }
    if ( %cnick2 == $null ) { set %cnick2 $$?="nick Ekle" | if (%cpass2 === $null ) { set %cpass2 $$?*="Enter a Password" | goto end } }
    if ( %cnick3 == $null ) { set %cnick3 $$?="Nick Ekle" | if (%cpass3 === $null ) { set %cpass3 $$?*="Enter a Password" | goto end } }
    if ( %cnick4 == $null ) { set %cnick4 $$?="Nick Ekle" | if (%cpass4 === $null ) { set %cpass4 $$?*="Enter a Password" | goto end } }
    else { echo -la Çok Fazla Sayida Nick var | halt }
    echo -a Nick Listeniz Eklenmiştir : =)
  .Yeni Şifre:
  ..%cnick1:nick %cnick1 | ns identify %cpass1 
  ..%cnick2:nick %cnick2 | ns identify %cpass2 
  ..%cnick3:nick %cnick3 | ns identify %cpass3 
  ..%cnick4:nick %cnick4 | ns identify %cpass4

  .Nick Kaldir
  ..%cnick1:notify -r %cnick1 | unset %cnick1 | unset %cpass1
  ..%cnick2:unset %cnick2 | unset %cpass2
  ..%cnick3:unset %cnick3 | unset %cpass3
  ..%cnick4:unset %cnick4 | unset %cpass4
; ====================
;  Nickchanger Dialog       
; ====================
dialog nickchgr {
  title "Oto Nick İdentify Oto Oper Gir"
  size 125 75 300 105
  option dbu
  icon $scriptdir\01.ico, 0
  box "Nickler", 6, 6 1 130 58
  radio "Nick 1:", 10, 9 10 25 10, group push
  radio "Nick 2:", 11, 9 22 25 10, push
  radio "Nick 3:", 12, 9 34 25 10, push
  radio "Nick 4:", 13, 9 46 25 10, push
  edit "", 20, 36 10 94 10
  edit "", 21, 36 22 94 10
  edit "", 22, 36 34 94 10
  edit "", 23, 36 46 94 10
  edit "", 24, 40 72 65 10, pass
  button "Kyt", 30, 255 10 15 10
  button "Kyt", 31, 255 22 15 10
  button "Kyt", 32, 255 35 15 10
  button "Kyt", 33, 255 47 15 10
  button "Kyt", 34, 255 72 15 10
  button "Sil", 40, 275 10 15 10
  button "Sil", 41, 275 22 15 10
  button "Sil", 42, 275 35 15 10
  button "Sil", 43, 275 47 15 10
  button "Sil", 44, 275 72 15 10
  button "Kapat", 101, 187 89 52 12, ok
  button "Change Nick", 102, 5 89 46 12
  button "Tümünü Sil", 113, 243 89 52 12
  box "Şifreniz", 3, 137 1 158 58
  edit "", 51, 165 10 85 10, pass
  edit "", 52, 165 22 85 10, pass
  edit "", 53, 165 35 85 10, pass
  edit "", 54, 165 47 85 10, pass
  edit "", 55, 105 72 65 10, pass
  edit "", 5, 170 72 82 10
  text "Pass 1", 81, 140 10 22 8, center
  text "Pass 2", 82, 140 22 22 8, center
  text "Pass 3", 83, 140 35 22 8, center
  text "Pass 4", 84, 140 47 22 8, center
  text "Oper Pass:", 85, 108 63 28 8, center
  text "", 4, 170 63 43 8, center
  box "Keep Nick 1", 1, 53 85 64 17
  radio "Aç", 92, 55 93 29 8, group push
  radio "Kapat", 93, 86 93 29 8, push
  box "Auto Identify", 1777, 121 85 64 17
  radio "Aç", 90, 123 93 29 8, group push
  radio "Kapat", 91, 154 93 29 8, push
  box "Auto-Oper", 2, 6 59 289 26
  radio "Aç", 14, 8 66 29 8, group push
  radio "Kapat", 15, 8 75 29 8, push
  text "Oper Nick:", 9, 41 63 25 9
on *:dialog:nickchgr:init:*: { 
  if (%cnick1 != $null) { did -a nickchgr 20 %cnick1 } | if (%cnick2 != $null) { did -a nickchgr 21 %cnick2 }
  if (%cnick3 != $null) { did -a nickchgr 22 %cnick3 } | if (%cnick4 != $null) { did -a nickchgr 23 %cnick4 }
  if (%opernick != $null) { did -a nickchgr 24 %opernick } | did -c nickchgr 10
  if (%cpass1 != $null) { did -a nickchgr 51 %cpass1 } | if (%cpass2 != $null) { did -a nickchgr 52 %cpass2 }
  if (%cpass3 != $null) { did -a nickchgr 53 %cpass3 } | if (%cpass4 != $null) { did -a nickchgr 54 %cpass4 }
  if (%operpass != $null) { did -a nickchgr 55 %operpass } | if (%operserver != $null) { did -a nickchgr 5 %operserver }
  if (%autoid.enable = true) { did -c nickchgr 90 }
  if (%autoid.disable = true) { did -c nickchgr 91 }
  if (%keepnick.enable = true) { did -c nickchgr 92 }
  if (%keepnick.disable = true) { did -c nickchgr 93 }
  if (%autooper.on = true) { did -c nickchgr 14 }
  if ( = true) { did -c nickchgr 15 }
on *:dialog:nickchgr:sclick:*: { 
  if ($did == 30) { set %cnick1 $did(nickchgr,20).text } | If ($did == 30) { notify %cnick1 } | if ($did == 31) { set %cnick2 $did(nickchgr,21).text } 
  if ($did == 32) { set %cnick3 $did(nickchgr,22).text } | if ($did == 33) { set %cnick4 $did(nickchgr,23).text } 
  if ($did === 34) { set %opernick $did(nickchgr,24).text | set %operpass $did(nickchgr,55).text | set %operserver $did(nickchgr,5).text }
  if ($did == 40) { did -r nickchgr 20 | set %cnick1 $did(nickchgr,20).text } | if ($did == 41) { did -r nickchgr 21 | set %cnick2 $did(nickchgr,21).text }
  if ($did == 42) { did -r nickchgr 22 | set %cnick3 $did(nickchgr,22).text } | if ($did == 43) { did -r nickchgr 23 | set %cnick4 $did(nickchgr,23).text }
  if ($did === 30) { set %cpass1 $did(nickchgr,51).text } | if ($did === 31) { set %cpass2 $did(nickchgr,52).text } 
  if ($did === 32) { set %cpass3 $did(nickchgr,53).text } | if ($did === 33) { set %cpass4 $did(nickchgr,54).text }
  if ($did == 44) { unset %opernick | unset %operpass | unset %operserver | dialog -x nickchgr nickchgr | dialog -m nickchgr nickchgr } 
  if ($did == 40) { did -r nickchgr 51 | set %cpass1 $did(nickchgr,51).text } | if ($did == 41) { did -r nickchgr 52 | set %cpass2 $did(nickchgr,52).text }
  if ($did == 42) { did -r nickchgr 53 | set %cpass3 $did(nickchgr,53).text } | if ($did == 43) { did -r nickchgr 54 | set %cpass4 $did(nickchgr,54).text }
  if ($did == 90) { did -c nickchgr 90 | set %autoid on | set %autoid.enable true | set %autoid.disable false }
  if ($did == 91) { did -c nickchgr 91 | set %autoid off | set %autoid.disable true | set %autoid.enable false }
  if ($did == 92) { did -c nickchgr 92 | set %keepnick on | set %keepnick.enable true | set %keepnick.disable false }
  if ($did == 93) { did -c nickchgr 93 | set %keepnick off | set %keepnick.disable true | set %keepnick.enable false }
  if ($did == 14) { did -c nickchgr 14 | set %autooper on | set %autooper.on true | set false }
  if ($did == 15) { did -c nickchgr 15 | set %autooper off | set true | set %autooper.on false }
  if ($did = 113) { if ($input(Addondaki Tüm Sifreleri Silmek istediginden Emin misin ?,yw,Uyariyorum Seni,,) == $true) {
      notify -r %cnick1 | unset %cnick1 | unset %cnick2 | unset %cnick3 | unset %cnick4 | unset %cpass1 | unset %cpass2 | unset %cpass3 | unset %cpass4 | unset %opernick | unset %operpass | unset %operserver | dialog -x nickchgr nickchgr | dialog -m nickchgr nickchgr
    echo -a 4......Trbkler Tüm şifreleri Sildin :) Bilmiyorsan Npancan şimdi :P }
  if ($did == 102) {   
    if ($did(nickchgr,10).state == 1) { if ($did(nickchgr,20).text != $null) { nick $did(nickchgr,20).text { if ($did(nickchgr,51).text != $null) { ns identify $did(nickchgr,51).text } } } }
    if ($did(nickchgr,11).state == 1) { if ($did(nickchgr,21).text != $null) { nick $did(nickchgr,21).text { if ($did(nickchgr,52).text != $null) { ns identify $did(nickchgr,52).text } } } }
    if ($did(nickchgr,12).state == 1) { if ($did(nickchgr,22).text != $null) { nick $did(nickchgr,22).text { if ($did(nickchgr,53).text != $null) { ns identify $did(nickchgr,53).text } } } }
    if ($did(nickchgr,13).state == 1) { if ($did(nickchgr,23).text != $null) { nick $did(nickchgr,23).text { if ($did(nickchgr,54).text != $null) { ns identify $did(nickchgr,54).text } } } }
on 1:notice:*identify*:*: {
  if ( %autoid = on ) { 
    If $nick = nickserv {
      if ( $me = %cnick1 ) { ns identify %cpass1 }
      if ( $me = %cnick2 ) { ns identify %cpass2 }
      if ( $me = %cnick3 ) { ns identify %cpass3 }
      if ( $me = %cnick4 ) { ns identify %cpass4 }
on 1:unotify: {
  if ( %keepnick = on ) {
    if ($nick == %cnick1) { nick $nick )  } 
    else halt 
on 1:CONNECT: {
  if ( %autooper = on ) {
    if $server = %operserver { oper %opernick %operpass | nick %cnick1 }
    else halt
Bir Sunucuda Nickizin Şifresini ve Oper Şifrenizi Otomatik Girmek istiyorsanız
Bulundugunuz Kanalda Sağ Tıklama ile Ana Menüye Gelmektedir.Ekstra işlem gerektirmez.
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[Z] ~ [This is the way, let them come] ~ Zaman, onun bile bir gün sonu gelecek..

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